EggCoop is a coop statistics collector for Egg, Inc. While CoopTracker is showing the current state of a coop EggCoop is showing the historical state of a coop. Go and explore a recent contract and select a coop to get a feeling for it.
EggCoop collects plenty of stats for a coop and displays them on some nice charts. The stats being collected are everything about a coop excluding shells.
Adding new coops to EggCoop is restricted to a small amount of trusted users. Mainly co-op initiators in the Egg, Inc. Discord as well as members of Maj Fast Lane are able to add new coops. It's mostly restricted to prevent abuse and avoiding rate limits for the game, hence EggCoop is not available for public use.
Coops are updated at different times depending on their type:
- Normal coops: every 10 minutes.
- Fast runs: every 5 minutes.
- Speed runs: every 3 minutes.
EggCoop is under active development and new features will be added over time. Any feedback or suggestions is always welcome!
An API is available here. Feel free to use it but don't abuse it.
EggCoop is being developed by @GreenerStorm on Discord. There's a Discord server available for it here where I will post updates.