Quantum egg School Supplies

(2022) Shippers are having to contend with an unexpectedly high amount of school supplies to deliver, quantum technology is required!

Grade AAA

Duration: 4d

9.2q Quantum egg 300K piggy fill
430q Quantum egg 70 shell tickets
790q Quantum egg 60K golden eggs
Grade AA

Duration: 4d

560T Quantum egg 140K piggy fill
30q Quantum egg 35 shell tickets
120q Quantum egg 32K golden eggs
Grade A

Duration: 3d

4.5T Quantum egg 50K piggy fill
230T Quantum egg 18 shell tickets
1.3q Quantum egg 12K golden eggs
Grade B

Duration: 2d

130B Quantum egg 29K piggy fill
4.6T Quantum egg 15 shell tickets
18T Quantum egg boosts
Grade C

Duration: 1d

320M Quantum egg 15K piggy fill
23B Quantum egg 8 shell tickets
60B Quantum egg boosts

78 coops

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