Quantum egg Laurel vs Yanny

(2018) A Quantum rift is causing people to hear different words in a viral video. Scientists have a fix but they need your help.

Grade AAA

Duration: 4d

22q Quantum egg 300K piggy fill
540q Quantum egg 1 egg of prophecy
960q Quantum egg 220 randomish artifacts
Grade AA

Duration: 4d

3.2q Quantum egg 140K piggy fill
87q Quantum egg 1 egg of prophecy
280q Quantum egg 120 randomish artifacts
Grade A

Duration: 3d

5T Quantum egg 50K piggy fill
400T Quantum egg 1 egg of prophecy
2.2q Quantum egg 110M soul eggs
Grade B

Duration: 2d

120B Quantum egg 29K piggy fill
1.8T Quantum egg 1 egg of prophecy
4.1T Quantum egg 500K soul eggs
Grade C

Duration: 2d

3.9B Quantum egg 15K piggy fill
160B Quantum egg 1 egg of prophecy
400B Quantum egg 28K soul eggs
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52 coops not shown as they are in progress

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Rocket 2025-01-17 17:28

Green scroll 2025-01-18 04:06

Rocket 2025-01-17 18:01

Green scroll 2025-01-18 04:39