Super Material egg Summer Construction

With a long winter ending, the Summer construction rush is set to begin. Supplier are loading up on raw materials!

Grade AAA

x50 Vehicles cost

Duration: 6d

130q Super Material egg 600K piggy fill
700q Super Material egg 1 egg of prophecy
1Q Super Material egg research
Grade AA

x20 Hen housing cost

Duration: 5d

19q Super Material egg 280K piggy fill
170q Super Material egg 1 egg of prophecy
430q Super Material egg research
Grade A

x1.25 Egg laying rate

Duration: 4d

700T Super Material egg 100K piggy fill
13q Super Material egg 1 egg of prophecy
62q Super Material egg research
Grade B

x0.5 Vehicles cost

Duration: 3d

500B Super Material egg 1 piggy level
7T Super Material egg 1 egg of prophecy
25T Super Material egg 600K soul eggs
Grade C

x0.5 Hen housing cost

Duration: 3d

100B Super Material egg 1 piggy level
2T Super Material egg 1 egg of prophecy
10T Super Material egg 30 shell tickets

0 coops