Firework egg Getting Ready

With 4th of July (2018) nearing in the States, scientists have found a new way to meet the demand for fireworks...

Grade AAA

Duration: 6d

30q Firework egg 600K piggy fill
360q Firework egg 1 egg of prophecy
560q Firework egg 350 randomish artifacts
Grade AA

Duration: 5d

2q Firework egg 300K piggy fill
40q Firework egg 1 egg of prophecy
150q Firework egg 220 randomish artifacts
Grade A

Duration: 4d

4T Firework egg 100K piggy fill
230T Firework egg 1 egg of prophecy
1.6q Firework egg 60 randomish artifacts
Grade B

Duration: 3d

180B Firework egg 60K piggy fill
1.3T Firework egg 1 egg of prophecy
2.9T Firework egg 600K soul eggs
Grade C

Duration: 2d

3.3M Firework egg 34K piggy fill
37B Firework egg 1 egg of prophecy
100B Firework egg 36K soul eggs

0 coops