Quantum egg Quantum Pump

From Cities to apartment owners, everyone wants these new hose-less water pumps!

Grade AAA

Duration: 7d

57q Quantum egg 370K piggy fill
1.4Q Quantum egg 1 egg of prophecy
2.2Q Quantum egg 280 randomish artifacts
Grade AA

Duration: 6d

1.6q Quantum egg 170K piggy fill
110q Quantum egg 1 egg of prophecy
370q Quantum egg 150 randomish artifacts
Grade A

Duration: 5d

21T Quantum egg 60K piggy fill
1q Quantum egg 1 egg of prophecy
6q Quantum egg 50 randomish artifacts
Grade B

Duration: 4d

1.3T Quantum egg 1 piggy level
35T Quantum egg 1 egg of prophecy
160T Quantum egg 24 shell tickets
Grade C

Duration: 4d

120B Quantum egg 1 piggy level
2.1T Quantum egg 1 egg of prophecy
5.5T Quantum egg 15 shell tickets

0 coops