Quantum egg Quantum Trash Bags Ultra icon

(2018) With all the wrapping paper and boxes to throw out, Quantum Trash bags are flying off the shelves!

Grade AAA

Duration: 4d

960T Quantum egg 300K piggy fill
150q Quantum egg 1 egg of prophecy
250q Quantum egg 220 randomish artifacts
Grade AA

Duration: 4d

89T Quantum egg 140K piggy fill
10q Quantum egg 1 egg of prophecy
46q Quantum egg 120 randomish artifacts
Grade A

Duration: 4d

2.3T Quantum egg 50K piggy fill
160T Quantum egg 1 egg of prophecy
910T Quantum egg 47 randomish artifacts
Grade B

Duration: 3d

110B Quantum egg 29K piggy fill
4.7T Quantum egg 1 egg of prophecy
18T Quantum egg 18 shell tickets
Grade C

Duration: 2d

2B Quantum egg 15K piggy fill
74B Quantum egg 1 egg of prophecy
190B Quantum egg 11 shell tickets

0 coops