Graviton egg CleanX Ultra icon

(2019) To make room for more satellites, we need to clean up space! Over 500,000 pieces of space trash need to be pulled back to earth. So we're building a Graviton Canon!

Grade AAA

Duration: 9d

37q Graviton egg 420K piggy fill
760q Graviton egg 1 egg of prophecy
1.3Q Graviton egg 310 randomish artifacts
Grade AA

Duration: 7d

1q Graviton egg 190K piggy fill
65q Graviton egg 1 egg of prophecy
170q Graviton egg 170 randomish artifacts
Grade A

Duration: 6d

19T Graviton egg 3.6M soul eggs
660T Graviton egg 1 egg of prophecy
3.5q Graviton egg 60 randomish artifacts
Grade B

Duration: 5d

2T Graviton egg 50K soul eggs
45T Graviton egg 1 egg of prophecy
160T Graviton egg 28 shell tickets
Grade C

Duration: 4d

95B Graviton egg 700 soul eggs
2.1T Graviton egg 1 egg of prophecy
4.8T Graviton egg 17 shell tickets

0 coops