Edible egg Bake Sale

(2022) The world's largest school district is having the world's largest Bake Sale to solve budget issues. They need supplies!

Grade AAA

Duration: 7d

10q Edible egg 370K piggy fill
490q Edible egg 1 egg of prophecy
760q Edible egg research
Grade AA

Duration: 6d

500T Edible egg 170K piggy fill
18q Edible egg 1 egg of prophecy
58q Edible egg research
Grade A

Duration: 5d

6.1T Edible egg 60K piggy fill
200T Edible egg 1 egg of prophecy
1q Edible egg research
Grade B

Duration: 4d

230B Edible egg 38K piggy fill
3.5T Edible egg 1 egg of prophecy
14T Edible egg 600K soul eggs
Grade C

Duration: 3d

79M Edible egg 21K piggy fill
44B Edible egg 1 egg of prophecy
220B Edible egg 36K soul eggs

0 coops