Edible egg Donuts Ultra icon

(2022) Donuts are surging in popularity again - both in store and at home. The incredible, edible is in high demand.

Grade AAA

Duration: 7d

25q Edible egg 370K piggy fill
710q Edible egg 1 egg of prophecy
1Q Edible egg 125 shell tickets
Grade AA

Duration: 6d

630T Edible egg 170K piggy fill
24q Edible egg 1 egg of prophecy
130q Edible egg 75 shell tickets
Grade A

Duration: 5d

7.1T Edible egg 60K piggy fill
290T Edible egg 1 egg of prophecy
1.6q Edible egg 40 shell tickets
Grade B

Duration: 4d

300B Edible egg 38K piggy fill
6.6T Edible egg 1 egg of prophecy
23T Edible egg 24 shell tickets
Grade C

Duration: 3d

250M Edible egg 21K piggy fill
68B Edible egg 1 egg of prophecy
330B Edible egg 15 shell tickets

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