Edible egg Tradition

As the 7th Egg Day (July 14th) approaches, the celebrations are looking to be record breaking - everyone's favorite is in demand...

Grade AAA

Duration: 9d

41q Edible egg 700K piggy fill
890q Edible egg 1 egg of prophecy
2.3Q Edible egg 350 randomish artifacts
Grade AA

Duration: 8d

2.9q Edible egg 310K piggy fill
41q Edible egg 1 egg of prophecy
230q Edible egg 220 randomish artifacts
Grade A

Duration: 7d

29T Edible egg 110K piggy fill
540T Edible egg 1 egg of prophecy
2.7q Edible egg 80 randomish artifacts
Grade B

Duration: 6d

820B Edible egg 60K piggy fill
8.7T Edible egg 1 egg of prophecy
22T Edible egg 35 shell tickets
Grade C

Duration: 5d

17M Edible egg 37K piggy fill
130B Edible egg 1 egg of prophecy
630B Edible egg 25 shell tickets

0 coops